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Media Center-Policies

Book Loans

Kindergarten and First Grade students may checkout 1 book at a time for seven days. (In January, first graders may start checking out 2 books.) They may renew books twice.  Selection/checkout may be during whole class checkout or Open Checkout.  Students are encouraged to select a "just right" book.  They write the due date on the sticker on the back of the book during the checkout process.  We ask parents to encourage our students to be responsible users, keeping their library books in their bookbags. 

Second through Fifth Grade students may check out 2 books at a time for seven days.  They may renew their books twice.  Selection/checkout may be during whole class checkout or Open Checkout.  Students write the due date on the sticker on the back of the book during the checkout process so they can be responsible users.

Open Checkout

Students may visit the Media Center any day between the hours of 7:45 AM - 12:15 PM and/or 1:00 Pm - 2:00 PM  to return/select books, use resources, or conduct research.  Each group may consist of up to 3 students from each class, each wearing an Open Checkout pass and their barcoded nametag on their school lanyard - no exceptions! Students without the proper credentials will be sent back to class.

Lost/Damaged Books

Students are responsible for returning their books on time and in good condition.  We strive to maintain a current, relevant book collection for our staff and students. Due to our high book usage, we purchase shelf-ready books with durable library bindings whenever possible and appreciate replacement cost.  If a book is damaged or lost while on loan,  please notify the Media Coordinator, Mrs. Steiner, for the replacement cost.