Good attendance is critical for student success at Cox Mill Elementary. All absences will be coded unexcused unless an email or a written note from the parent/guardian is received. State law allows absences to be excused for the following reasons:
If your child is absent please call the front office at 704 260-6170 or e-mail your child's teacher. You can send a note in when your child returns to school.
Your request must be submitted for consideration at least two weeks prior to the absence. Click HERE for the Educational Opportunity Form. Once the form has been received by the front office a copy will be sent home with either DENIED or PENDING on it until the proper documentation is submitted within one week after the trip.
Absences for personal trips are not excused according to state guidelines. In order to be considered in attendance, a student must be present at least one-half of the school day. At the elementary level more than ten (10) absences a semester or 20 absences a year are considered excessive. If illness is given as the primary reason for non-attendance, the principal may request a physician's documentation.
Check In/Check Out Procedures